Dating european woman

Dating european woman

I never thought that the cultural background of a dating prospect would make much of a difference when it came to relationships. European men aren’t just aiming to score. American men on the other hand, tend to be goal oriented, with the aim of getting laid. Sure, they will go out for dating european woman and do fun activities, but it’s not packaged up in a formal and contrived manner.

They don’t over analyze the situation. European men are comfortable with women, which leads to respect for women. Perhaps this has to do with their upbringing, where it’s very normal for boys and girls to play and intermingle together. They grow up developing friendships with the opposite sex and in turn, develop more empathy and understanding of the opposite sex. In American culture, there is a clear segregation of the sexes, boys play with boys and do boy things and girls do the same.

European men are raised to have great manners. This is definitely seen in how they treat not only women, but everyone around them. There is a courtesy, consideration, chivalry and thoughtfulness in how they act, behave and engage with others. They are also raised with strong family and community values, so there is a sense of responsibility and accountability for others, not just for the self. Europeans don’t get their sexual education from porn. For example, in the Netherlands, comprehensive sexuality education starts at age four. In America, sexual education is not taught until one hits their teens, if they are taught at all.

The topic is still taboo and filled with shame. It’s no surprise that American men are left to their own devices, subconsciously learning about sex through porn and the media. Many American men are getting their sexual education from porn. Instead of cruelly dismissing someone by disappearing, they communicate that they are not interested. Again, this comes down to respect and manners. European men have a different perception of beauty.

The latest law passed in France where excessively skinny models need to prove their health is a testament to that. European men have a quiet confidence, a demeanor that doesn’t need to scream out loud to prove themselves. The American way is loud and even arrogant at times. American men like to date around. The dating culture involves trying out many different options at the same time. American approach to dating that there’s always something better around the corner. With European men, if there’s mutual interest, they keep seeing that person and don’t keep hunting for better options simultaneously.