Dear Twitpic Community – thank you for all the wonderful photos you have taken over the years. We have now placed Twitpic in an archived state. European kiss dating site Kiss” is a song released by Wayne Cochran in 1961 on the Gala label.
It failed to do well on the charts. Cochran subsequently re-recorded his song for the King label in 1963. Coming upon a stalled car in the road, the narrator swerves to the right to avoid it, losing control and crashing violently in the process. The crash renders both the narrator and his girlfriend unconscious.
The narrator later regains consciousness and finds several people at the scene of the accident, but was still able to find his girlfriend, still lying unconscious. In the song’s chorus, the narrator vows to be a good boy so that he may reunite with his dear sweetheart when his time comes, believing she has made it into Heaven. The song was supposedly based on the true story of Jeanette Clark and J. Hancock, who were both 16 years old when their car hit a tractor-trailer on a road in rural Barnesville, Georgia.
The problem is that the song was recorded more than a year before the accident supposedly happened. Clark and Hancock were on a date a few days before Christmas in 1962. A local gas station attendant helping with the recovery of the bodies did not recognize his own daughter. Cochran loaded 45s in the trunk of his car, taking them along to gigs, to sell to fans, although it didn’t help much.