All of your saved places can be found here in My Trips. Your question regarding tour companies is something we get on a european tours for singles over 40-regular basis on this forum and frankly, we don’t usually have fabulous answers. That’s mostly because most on this forum travel with DIY itineraries.
It seems that the Bargain Travel forum has more questions along that topic. That said, I have been on two tours with Gate 1 Travel. On both tours, the age group had a large range, but mostly centered in the early-mid 60’s. They offer small group tours as well as the typical 30-45 sized tours.
I planned it on my own. The planning is significant, but I find I enjoy doing that part almost as much as I enjoy the trips. Others may have some suggestions as well. Hi Deb022, thanks for the welcome and for the informative response.
Since posting I’ve found another site that looks promising – On The Go Travel. I’ll try the Bargain Travel Forum as an option. I specified the age range because I’ve noted that a lot of tours seems to be for the 18-35 age group. In my 30 years of travel I’ve always planned and mapped my own itinerary, arranged my own flights and accommodation with the exception of my very first trip to Europe 30 years ago which was a Contiki Tour. This time I wanted to try something different. I am fine travelling solo but prefer to be with people, particularly when it comes to the evenings. Our Bargain Travel forum also mistakenly gets questions about tour groups.